Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we regret to inform you that the upcoming fixture against Barnsley FC will now be played behind closed doors.

As you will be aware, we are playing this fixture at Kellamergh Park, our old ground, which is now home to AFC Fylde Ladies.

Despite all attempts to have the ground fully open and operational for the game, we have been unable to secure the relevant safety certificate from Lancashire County Council.

On top of this, serious concerns have been raised by Lancashire Police regarding the number of away supporters attending the game and potential anti-social incidents, which would require police to be in attendance.

All of the above combined would require excessive stewarding and potential additional policing costs, which in the end, would make the whole exercise futile. We have therefore had to take the difficult decision not to allow any supporters into the ground.

As always, the supporter’s safety comes first, and as difficult as this decision has been to make, we feel we have no other option.